IPad and iPhone in hand to create the next version of Apple. According to the report published in the Wall Street Journal, the new version of Apple iPad tablet computer may be 5, and the smartphone, the iPhone 5.Rateche various technology news website that, next year, the first year of the threshold, ie, within the first three months of the seventh generation of the Apple smartphone and fifth-generation iPad may be announced.Chinese newspaper Commercial Times said, making the economic cost smartphone and tablet Apple recreational pursuits. In addition to the new smartphone and tablet technology television can create a new one of the best in the world of technology.However, analysts said the technology, technology, market competition with the Android smartphone is ayapalake face. The iPad has been out of mini-market, a common product list. The next year, according to market demand can alter many Apple products list.Commercial Times also said, the iPhone 5 esera month of December this year to create a test version of the work can begin. Phaksakana Apple product manufacturers can create a new version of the iPhone.
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IPad and iPhone in hand to create the next version of Apple. According to the report published in the Wall Street Journal, the new version of Apple iPad tablet computer may be 5, and the smartphone, the iPhone 5.Rateche various technology news website that, next year, the first year of the threshold, ie, within the first three months of the seventh generation of the Apple smartphone and fifth-generation iPad may be announced.Chinese newspaper Commercial Times said, making the economic cost smartphone and tablet Apple recreational pursuits. In addition to the new smartphone and tablet technology television can create a new one of the best in the world of technology.However, analysts said the technology, technology, market competition with the Android smartphone is ayapalake face. The iPad has been out of mini-market, a common product list. The next year, according to market demand can alter many Apple products list.Commercial Times also said, the iPhone 5 esera month of December this year to create a test version of the work can begin. Phaksakana Apple product manufacturers can create a new version of the iPhone.