1:38 AM      

        Sound box

Output Devices
        Any computer component capable of conveying information to a user; which is called output.
        The devices that serves that purpose is called output device.
> Display Devices
> Printer
> Sound devices or Speakers
> Others

Audio output

        Audio output devices
> Produce music, speech, or other sounds
> Speakers
> Headsets

How a Sound Card Works and Speaker Create Sound? 

CRT Monitor
        Contains a cathode ray tube, a large sealed glass screen.
        The screen is coated with tiny dots of phosphor materials
        Pixel is the single point of a viewing image
        Three dots: Red, Green & Blue combine to made up pixels

LCD Monitors
        Liquid crystal display
        Contains liquid crystals between two sheets of materials to display images on screen
        An electronic current passes through the crystals which creates the image on the screen

Factors that influence the quality of a color monitor
        Screen size – measurement in inches from one corner of the screen diagonally across to the opposite corner.
        Pixels are small dots. 
        Dot pitch (the space from one pixel to another) is a measure of image clarity: – the more pixels per inch, the smoother the image
        Resolution number of columns and rows of pixels displayed on the screen
     -it  is the number of pixels that are displayed at one time. (800 x 600)

Digital Light Projector

        Connects to a computer and is used to project images on a large screen
> LCD projectors – room must be darkened
> Digital Light Processing uses digital micro mirror devices for brighter, crisper output.  Can be used in normal lighting conditions.

Impact Printer
        Creates an image by using pins or hammers to press an inked ribbon against the paper
> Most common impact printer is the dot matrix
> Not usually letter quality (LQ)
> Many are near letter quality (NLQ)
> Used for multipart forms
Ink Jet Printer
        Creates an image directly on the paper by spraying ink through tiny nozzles
        Nozzles spray ink
        Spray tiny drops of ink onto the paper
        Both black-and-white and color
        Resolution measured in dots per inch (dpi)
        Speed measured in pages per minute (pap)

Laser Printer
        A laser is at the heart of this printer that uses technology similar to that in photocopiers
> High-speed, high-quality nonimpact printer
> Very high quality resolution - 600dpi to 1,200 dpi
> Stores entire page before printing it
> Page description language (PDL)
> PCL (Printer Control Language)
> Postscript
> Toner
> Replace cartridge

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pc output devices

        Sound box

Output Devices
        Any computer component capable of conveying information to a user; which is called output.
        The devices that serves that purpose is called output device.
> Display Devices
> Printer
> Sound devices or Speakers
> Others

Audio output

        Audio output devices
> Produce music, speech, or other sounds
> Speakers
> Headsets

How a Sound Card Works and Speaker Create Sound? 

CRT Monitor
        Contains a cathode ray tube, a large sealed glass screen.
        The screen is coated with tiny dots of phosphor materials
        Pixel is the single point of a viewing image
        Three dots: Red, Green & Blue combine to made up pixels

LCD Monitors
        Liquid crystal display
        Contains liquid crystals between two sheets of materials to display images on screen
        An electronic current passes through the crystals which creates the image on the screen

Factors that influence the quality of a color monitor
        Screen size – measurement in inches from one corner of the screen diagonally across to the opposite corner.
        Pixels are small dots. 
        Dot pitch (the space from one pixel to another) is a measure of image clarity: – the more pixels per inch, the smoother the image
        Resolution number of columns and rows of pixels displayed on the screen
     -it  is the number of pixels that are displayed at one time. (800 x 600)

Digital Light Projector

        Connects to a computer and is used to project images on a large screen
> LCD projectors – room must be darkened
> Digital Light Processing uses digital micro mirror devices for brighter, crisper output.  Can be used in normal lighting conditions.

Impact Printer
        Creates an image by using pins or hammers to press an inked ribbon against the paper
> Most common impact printer is the dot matrix
> Not usually letter quality (LQ)
> Many are near letter quality (NLQ)
> Used for multipart forms
Ink Jet Printer
        Creates an image directly on the paper by spraying ink through tiny nozzles
        Nozzles spray ink
        Spray tiny drops of ink onto the paper
        Both black-and-white and color
        Resolution measured in dots per inch (dpi)
        Speed measured in pages per minute (pap)

Laser Printer
        A laser is at the heart of this printer that uses technology similar to that in photocopiers
> High-speed, high-quality nonimpact printer
> Very high quality resolution - 600dpi to 1,200 dpi
> Stores entire page before printing it
> Page description language (PDL)
> PCL (Printer Control Language)
> Postscript
> Toner
> Replace cartridge

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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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