6:36 AM      

1st Pc power Cable connection in plag & pc.
2nd Monitor power Cable connection in plag & pc.
3rd Monitor cable connection in pc.
4th Keybord cable connection in pc.
5th Mouse cable connection in pc.
6th Spaker connection in pc Sound pot.
7th Pendrive, Kardrider, Modem, Printer  connection in pc USB Port.
                                                Etc connection in pc.
Classification of Computers (according to size)

 AAccording to size and processing speed computers can be divided into following groups:
A Supercomputers
A Processing power
A Weather forecasting, human genome mapping
A Mainframe computers
A Large number of users
A Multiple processors with high I/O bandwidth
A Corporate Data Warehouses, Web servers
A Minicomputers
A Midsize, multiuser computer
A Departmental computing, E911 Services, Factory Automation.

Computer Categories (cont)

A Workstations
A Single-user computer
A More processing power than PC
A Scientific applications, CAD, graphics
A Microcomputers, or personal computers
A Most common type of single-user computer
A Includes notebook or laptop with docking station, desktop, tower, handheld PC such as a PDA, tablet
A Web devices with internet connections
Type of computer: based on purpose

A Special-purpose computers is design for a scientific applications, also known as dedicated computers.
A Permanently programmed to perform one major operation.
A Uses: Traffic control, medical sciences, games etc.
A General-purpose computers is used to handle variety of works.
A It works on stored program concept where a program containing a series of instructions is prepared for an application and temporarily stored in the memory.

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1st Pc power Cable connection in plag & pc.
2nd Monitor power Cable connection in plag & pc.
3rd Monitor cable connection in pc.
4th Keybord cable connection in pc.
5th Mouse cable connection in pc.
6th Spaker connection in pc Sound pot.
7th Pendrive, Kardrider, Modem, Printer  connection in pc USB Port.
                                                Etc connection in pc.
Classification of Computers (according to size)

 AAccording to size and processing speed computers can be divided into following groups:
A Supercomputers
A Processing power
A Weather forecasting, human genome mapping
A Mainframe computers
A Large number of users
A Multiple processors with high I/O bandwidth
A Corporate Data Warehouses, Web servers
A Minicomputers
A Midsize, multiuser computer
A Departmental computing, E911 Services, Factory Automation.

Computer Categories (cont)

A Workstations
A Single-user computer
A More processing power than PC
A Scientific applications, CAD, graphics
A Microcomputers, or personal computers
A Most common type of single-user computer
A Includes notebook or laptop with docking station, desktop, tower, handheld PC such as a PDA, tablet
A Web devices with internet connections
Type of computer: based on purpose

A Special-purpose computers is design for a scientific applications, also known as dedicated computers.
A Permanently programmed to perform one major operation.
A Uses: Traffic control, medical sciences, games etc.
A General-purpose computers is used to handle variety of works.
A It works on stored program concept where a program containing a series of instructions is prepared for an application and temporarily stored in the memory.

Computer Hardware
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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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