The title is perhaps the key issue today buje gesena I will still post araekabara nie say, today I'll have a script that's Darren pisike balate you can, do not believe?
Let the
First, open your Notepad
Copy the script below and paste it into your notepad
Dim message, sapi
message = InputBox ("What do you want me to say? Created by SOVO", "Speak to Me")
Set sapi = CreateObject ("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
Now save the file on your desktop called speak.vbs.
Save the file by double click on the image to see a window will open

I like to write, and write your eya jaigatate Empty box, enter the end of the day. Now listen to what you wrote it on your computer after you sunacche.

What if I default?

We hope you'll like this post. I have a good eye to see where he is taking.

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The title is perhaps the key issue today buje gesena I will still post araekabara nie say, today I'll have a script that's Darren pisike balate you can, do not believe?
Let the
First, open your Notepad
Copy the script below and paste it into your notepad
Dim message, sapi
message = InputBox ("What do you want me to say? Created by SOVO", "Speak to Me")
Set sapi = CreateObject ("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
Now save the file on your desktop called speak.vbs.
Save the file by double click on the image to see a window will open

I like to write, and write your eya jaigatate Empty box, enter the end of the day. Now listen to what you wrote it on your computer after you sunacche.

What if I default?

We hope you'll like this post. I have a good eye to see where he is taking.

Video Tutorial 

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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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