1:16 AM      

What is Network?
  1. A network is a group of connected computers that communicate, exchange information and share resources
  2. Benefits of Network
n     Users access programs and data simultaneously
n     Users share printers and scanners
n     Users communicate more easily
n     Users backup their data more easily

File Server
  1. A computer that stores data files for networked users to access
  2. Permission Levels on Files
n     Read / Write
n     Owner / Group / Other
n     Supervisor

Personal Communications
o    E-mail
o    Teleconferences
o    Videoconferences

Ø     Easier if important files stored on network drives
Ø     The network manager makes regular backups

Types of Area Networks
o    Tiny area network (TAN) internet connection
n     Connects several computers in a home
o    Local area network (LAN)
n     Limited by geography
o    Campus Area Network (CAN)
n     Different offices are linked
o    Metropolitan area network (MAN) internet at home
n     Connects multiple corporate networks together
o    Wide area network (WAN)
n     National or international networks

o    Rules and formats for sending and receiving data along the LAN
o    Kinds of Protocols
n     TCP/IP
n     IPX/SPX
n     NetBEUI
n     Other non-PC protocols
o    SDLC
o    Decent
o    X.25
Connecting Networks

o    Connecting Similar LANs
n     Hub
n     Bridge
n     Router
o    Connecting networks that use different protocols
n     Gateway

Peer-to-Peer Networks

o    Sometimes called a workgroup
o    Nodes share files and data with each other vs. client/server networks, where nodes share files and data only with the server
Network Features

o    Topology: Physical or logical layout of cables and devices that connect the network nodes
o    Media: wires and cables that carry data from source to destination
o    Bandwidth: amount of data media can carry

Kinds of Topologies

o    Bus topology
o    Star topology
o    Ring topology
o    Mesh topology
o    Wireless topology

Network Software

o    The group of programs that manages the network resources is called the network operating system (NOS)
o    Examples of Noses
n     Novell NetWare internet at home
n     Microsoft Windows NT Server
n     Microsoft Windows 2000
n     Microsoft XP
n     Microsoft .NET Server
n     Linux

What is the Internet?
The Internet is the pipeline that carries data between computers. Internet is a net in the world. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer network. It is a network of private, public business, and government networks. Most traditional communications media including music, film, and television are reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new service. Newspaper, book and other print publishing the internet. The origins of the Internet reach back to research of the 1960sThe funding of a new U.S. In 1980s, as well as private funding for other commercial Internet. In the 1990s an international network resulted in its popularization. As of 2011, more than 2.1 billion people nearly a third of internet.

How the Internet Works - TCP/IP
o    Every computer and network on the Internet uses the same protocols (rules and procedures) to             control timing and data format.
o    The protocol used by the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP.
o    No matter what type of computer system you connect to the Internet, if it uses TCP/IP, it can       exchange data with any other type of computer.

Two Kinds of Internet Addresses

Ø     Internet protocol address (IP address): four-part numeric address
Ø      Routing Traffic Across the Internet  internet connection
Ø     Domain name system (DNS) address: an address that uses words instead of numbers
How the Internet Works- Domains and Subdomains

o    In addition to an IP address, most Internet hosts or servers have a Domain Name System (DNS) address, which uses words.
o    A domain name identifies the type of institution that   owns the computer.  An Internet server owned by IBM might have the domain name ibm.com.
o    Some enterprises have multiple servers, and identify them with subdomains, such as products.ibm.com.

Connecting to the Internet

o    Many home users connect via an ISP
o    AOL is an example of an online service provider
n     Provides access to email, discussion groups, databases, services  internet connection
n     Other provides include CompuServe, Prodigy and MSN
o    Work and School provide connection via a gateway off their LAN

Internet Communications
o    World Wide Web
o    Email
o    FTP
o    IRC
o    Newsgroups
o    Telnet
o    Peer-to-Peer – IM

Tools of using internet-
1.     Personal Computer
2.     1 Modem Connection in pc.
3.     Using Web Browsing Software

Some web browsing Software & Download Now
1.     Internet Explorer
2.     Firefox Setup 9.0.1
3.     Opera-Next-12.00-1325
4.     comodo
5.     flock-2.6.1.en-US.win32
6.     comit bird
7.     See monkey
8.     chrome_installer
9.     mx3.1.4.1000
10.  Safari Setup
11.  Avant
12.  webearth

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internet service

What is Network?
  1. A network is a group of connected computers that communicate, exchange information and share resources
  2. Benefits of Network
n     Users access programs and data simultaneously
n     Users share printers and scanners
n     Users communicate more easily
n     Users backup their data more easily

File Server
  1. A computer that stores data files for networked users to access
  2. Permission Levels on Files
n     Read / Write
n     Owner / Group / Other
n     Supervisor

Personal Communications
o    E-mail
o    Teleconferences
o    Videoconferences

Ø     Easier if important files stored on network drives
Ø     The network manager makes regular backups

Types of Area Networks
o    Tiny area network (TAN) internet connection
n     Connects several computers in a home
o    Local area network (LAN)
n     Limited by geography
o    Campus Area Network (CAN)
n     Different offices are linked
o    Metropolitan area network (MAN) internet at home
n     Connects multiple corporate networks together
o    Wide area network (WAN)
n     National or international networks

o    Rules and formats for sending and receiving data along the LAN
o    Kinds of Protocols
n     TCP/IP
n     IPX/SPX
n     NetBEUI
n     Other non-PC protocols
o    SDLC
o    Decent
o    X.25
Connecting Networks

o    Connecting Similar LANs
n     Hub
n     Bridge
n     Router
o    Connecting networks that use different protocols
n     Gateway

Peer-to-Peer Networks

o    Sometimes called a workgroup
o    Nodes share files and data with each other vs. client/server networks, where nodes share files and data only with the server
Network Features

o    Topology: Physical or logical layout of cables and devices that connect the network nodes
o    Media: wires and cables that carry data from source to destination
o    Bandwidth: amount of data media can carry

Kinds of Topologies

o    Bus topology
o    Star topology
o    Ring topology
o    Mesh topology
o    Wireless topology

Network Software

o    The group of programs that manages the network resources is called the network operating system (NOS)
o    Examples of Noses
n     Novell NetWare internet at home
n     Microsoft Windows NT Server
n     Microsoft Windows 2000
n     Microsoft XP
n     Microsoft .NET Server
n     Linux

What is the Internet?
The Internet is the pipeline that carries data between computers. Internet is a net in the world. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer network. It is a network of private, public business, and government networks. Most traditional communications media including music, film, and television are reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new service. Newspaper, book and other print publishing the internet. The origins of the Internet reach back to research of the 1960sThe funding of a new U.S. In 1980s, as well as private funding for other commercial Internet. In the 1990s an international network resulted in its popularization. As of 2011, more than 2.1 billion people nearly a third of internet.

How the Internet Works - TCP/IP
o    Every computer and network on the Internet uses the same protocols (rules and procedures) to             control timing and data format.
o    The protocol used by the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP.
o    No matter what type of computer system you connect to the Internet, if it uses TCP/IP, it can       exchange data with any other type of computer.

Two Kinds of Internet Addresses

Ø     Internet protocol address (IP address): four-part numeric address
Ø      Routing Traffic Across the Internet  internet connection
Ø     Domain name system (DNS) address: an address that uses words instead of numbers
How the Internet Works- Domains and Subdomains

o    In addition to an IP address, most Internet hosts or servers have a Domain Name System (DNS) address, which uses words.
o    A domain name identifies the type of institution that   owns the computer.  An Internet server owned by IBM might have the domain name ibm.com.
o    Some enterprises have multiple servers, and identify them with subdomains, such as products.ibm.com.

Connecting to the Internet

o    Many home users connect via an ISP
o    AOL is an example of an online service provider
n     Provides access to email, discussion groups, databases, services  internet connection
n     Other provides include CompuServe, Prodigy and MSN
o    Work and School provide connection via a gateway off their LAN

Internet Communications
o    World Wide Web
o    Email
o    FTP
o    IRC
o    Newsgroups
o    Telnet
o    Peer-to-Peer – IM

Tools of using internet-
1.     Personal Computer
2.     1 Modem Connection in pc.
3.     Using Web Browsing Software

Some web browsing Software & Download Now
1.     Internet Explorer
2.     Firefox Setup 9.0.1
3.     Opera-Next-12.00-1325
4.     comodo
5.     flock-2.6.1.en-US.win32
6.     comit bird
7.     See monkey
8.     chrome_installer
9.     mx3.1.4.1000
10.  Safari Setup
11.  Avant
12.  webearth

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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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