1. It is very big,
2. Memory little.
3. Make balb & tuib.
Exampol- ENIAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC, IBM- 650 etc,

                 1. LSI,VLSI Chip
                 2. Very very little
                 3.Very memory
                 4. Write Assembly Language 
 Exampol- IBM- 7000, IBM- 1400, CDC-1604, RCA-301 

            1. Magnative tap, Hard disk,
            2. o/p- V.D.U (video Display Unit)
            3. little
            4. Sige little & run first
  Exampol- ICL-2900, IBM-370 etc

            1. ISI, VLSI (Chip)
            2. Very very little
            3. Very memory
            4. Very very first
    5. Softawer, language 
Exampol- HP-300,APPLE, DEC.

            1. 10-150 (koty ) logie
            2. Very very little
            3. Very memory
    4. Softawer, language
    5. Visual input/ picture data

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                1. It is very big,
2. Memory little.
3. Make balb & tuib.
Exampol- ENIAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC, IBM- 650 etc,

                 1. LSI,VLSI Chip
                 2. Very very little
                 3.Very memory
                 4. Write Assembly Language 
 Exampol- IBM- 7000, IBM- 1400, CDC-1604, RCA-301 

            1. Magnative tap, Hard disk,
            2. o/p- V.D.U (video Display Unit)
            3. little
            4. Sige little & run first
  Exampol- ICL-2900, IBM-370 etc

            1. ISI, VLSI (Chip)
            2. Very very little
            3. Very memory
            4. Very very first
    5. Softawer, language 
Exampol- HP-300,APPLE, DEC.

            1. 10-150 (koty ) logie
            2. Very very little
            3. Very memory
    4. Softawer, language
    5. Visual input/ picture data

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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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