12:40 AM      

1st time selected the softawar + Mouse left button dobble click > Next >Next > (some time I agree Click ) After Next > Install Fnish .
          Example- Inastalling the Goom player
         Goom player Mouse left button dobble click1st step
2nd steep
 3rd steep
 4th steep
5th steep
Last steep

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How to software Installing

1st time selected the softawar + Mouse left button dobble click > Next >Next > (some time I agree Click ) After Next > Install Fnish .
          Example- Inastalling the Goom player
         Goom player Mouse left button dobble click1st step
2nd steep
 3rd steep
 4th steep
5th steep
Last steep

Click Hear


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Nayan Samodder
CSE student (CPI)
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